
Jacob’s Journey: A Glimpse of the Gospel

Jesus, for the love of His bride, removed all barriers—allowing us to face the Father for the first time! We can enter His Presence without fear or reservation, but with boldness and confidence. The veil has been torn. The debt has been paid. The Presence of Almighty God has been released into the world. Thank you, Jesus!

COVID-19 Response

"I have a great fear. Unlike the fear for my finances, I think this fear is justifiable in God’s sight. I fear that the leaders of the Church in this and other nations will not heed the call to point us in the direction of repentance. I fear that the word 'repentance' has become a politically incorrect term in the modern evangelical church. I fear that it has become old fashioned, replaced by a humanistic, hand-holding corruption of the truth." --Dr. David Miller

Rooted in Relationship

Every answer is found in turning away from ourselves and focusing on God. Every virtue—faith, hope, peace, trust, joy, righteousness, love, etc.—will only grow in relationship to Him. We must never make it our goal to attain these things—because outside of Him, it is futile. Rather, we must make it our goal to commune with Him more, to know Him more, to cultivate relationship. The Christian life is rooted in relationship.

Sun of Light

Any true work of art tells us something about the artist. Hidden in the details are pieces of its creator. Likewise, the God of all creation reveals Himself to us through His handiwork.Creation is always speaking of God; it just depends how closely we're listening. We must learn to be diligent students--and the Son of Light will teach us something new.

Tending the Fire Within

When Jesus speaks to us, our hearts burn within and our vision is restored; but eventually we have to descend from the mountain top. The clarity of the vision slowly fades and the light grows dim, like the shining face of Moses after leaving the presence of the Lord (Exodus 34). We have to listen for the voice of Jesus against a cacophony of noise. It becomes harder to remember the Word spoken to us, like trying to recall a forgotten dream.
We must learn “the secret of the burning heart.”